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SPCA x Cataholic Wonderland x YM² 裕民坊Magical Summer 寵物及手作市集

In this magical summer, Cataholic Wonderland was invited by SPCA & YM2 for a Pet & Craft Market-themed design. Our main characters — Mika & Kiki put on their summer swimming costumes, ode on a refreshing lemon ship and brought summer greetings to the public and their furry babies.

踏入5月魔幻夏季,愛護動物協會邀請到Cataholic Wonderland兩位可愛主角 – 萌貓魔法師Mika同淘氣小豬Kiki,乘坐夏日檸檬船,登陸觀塘YM² 裕民坊「Magical Summer 寵物及手作市集」,施展仲夏魔法,帶大家和毛孩進入Cataholic Wonderland打造的可愛之境。



Promotional video on the pillar


Cataholic Wonderland x SPCA Summer Party stickers

Cataholic Wonderland x SPCA 夏日派對貼圖包

Cataholic Wonderland x SPCA Promotional Graphic Design

Cataholic Wonderland x SPCA 宣傳圖案設計包

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